Tuesday, 15 October 2013

wk 3 - Assessment Carnegie Mellon part 3 Assessment Examples


  Student will be able to:  Assessment Examples How to measure accuracy?


Objective Test with items that require students to either recall or recognize information: •Fill-in the Blank

•Multiple Choice items with question stems such as, “what is a…”, or “which of the following is the definition of)
•Labeling diagrams
•Reciting (orally, musically, or in writing)
•Accuracy – correct versus number of errors

•Item Analysis (at the class level, are there items that had higher error rates? Did some items result in the same errors?)
Papers, oral/written exam questions, problems, class discussions, concept maps, oral or written homework assignments •Summarizing readings, films, speeches, etc.

•Comparing and or contrasting two or more theories, events, processes, etc.

•Classifying or categorizing elements, cases, events, etc. using established criteria

•Paraphrasing documents or speeches

•Finding or identifying examples or illustrations of a concept or principle 

Scoring / performance rubrics that identify critical components of the work and discriminates between differing levels of proficiency in addressing the components
  use of procedures to solve or complete familiar or unfamiliar tasks; may also require students to determine which procedure(s) are most appropriate •problem sets
•accuracy scores
•check lists
•primary trait analysis
ANALYZE  •differentiate
 discrimination or selection of relevant parts from irrelevant parts; determination of how elements function together; determination of bias, values or underlying intent in presented material •case studies
•concept maps

•scored rubrics by instructor, juries, external clients, employers, supervisor

•primary trait analysis
EVALUATE  •check
test, monitor, judge or critique readings, performances, or products against established criteria or standards
•problem sets
•product reviews
•case studies

•scored rubrics by instructor, juries, external clients, employers, supervisor

•primary trait analysis
CREATE  •generate
 Research projects, musical compositions, performances, essays, business plans, website designs, prototyping, set designs  •research projects
 •musical compositions
 •business plans
 •website designs
 •set designs

 •scored rubrics by instructor, juries, external clients, employers, supervisor

 •primary trait analysis

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